Denmark Develops New Model for Green Energy with the Help of Citizens' Assemblies Researchers at the University of Copenhagen are working on a new model to increase citizen engagement in the transition to green energy, with a particular focus on the use of citizens' assemblies. The... May 22, 2023 News
The Nobel Foundation is organizing a democratic deliberations on May 25th The Nobel Prize Summit on Countering Misinformation and Building Trust in Science will take place from May 24th to 26th. Over the course of three days, international experts and Nobel laureates will e... May 20, 2023 News
Micke Ströberg Citizen Assemblies in the Inquiry Stage Sweden is renowned for its collaborative and inclusive policy-making process. The inquiry stage, known as "remiss," plays a pivotal role in ensuring that various stakeholders are involved in the decis... May 2, 2023 Our blog
DemocracyNext: Regulate Artificial Intelligence with Collective Intelligence DemocracyNext, an international organization, is exploring the potential for a new global institution aimed at governing artificial intelligence (AI) with collective intelligence. In a world where art... Apr 28, 2023 News
The power of independent thinkers How can we understand the value of consensus among independent thinkers? An ambitious project led by Olle Risberg (Uppsala University) and Daniel Fogal (NYU Center for Bioethics), "The Wisdom of Crowd... Apr 26, 2023 News
Inclusion and Citizen Participation A new research overview by Nazem Tahvilzadeh, Ph.D. and lecturer in public administration and associate professor in Political Science at Södertörn University, highlights how deliberative mini-publics... Apr 25, 2023 News