Sweden's First National Citizens' Assembly on Climate

In March 2024, Sweden takes a significant step towards climate change by launching its first National Citizens' Assembly on Climate. This groundbreaking event, part of the FAIRTRANS research program, is an effort by Sweden to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

This unique initiative will include 50 randomly selected citizens reflecting the diversity of the Swedish population. Participants will gather to discuss and propose climate policy actions over an eight-day process. With the participation of researchers from Stockholm University, Uppsala University, Lund University, and the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, this citizens' assembly will provide a platform for examining scientific facts and exploring sustainable solutions for the climate.

The overall objective is to contribute concrete proposals to help Sweden meet its climate goals. This historic step in Swedish climate policy represents an important move towards inclusive and participatory decision-making, where the voices of citizens play a central role in shaping a sustainable future.

For further information, visit Fairtrans and Stockholm Resilience Centre.

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Micke Ströberg January 16, 2024
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