New Comprehensive Guide for Citizens' Assemblies Published by DemocracyNext

DemocracyNext, a non-profit and non-partisan research and action institute, has recently launched a comprehensive guide to help institutions, organizations, and individual citizens understand and organize citizens' assemblies. The guide, called "Assembling an Assembly Guide," is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in strengthening their advocacy efforts for deliberative democracy.

A Three-Step Guide

"Assembling an Assembly Guide" is divided into three main sections:

Before the Assembly: Details the design process that prepares for deliberation.

During the Assembly: Describes how a citizens' assembly unfolds "in the room."

After the Assembly: Explores what happens after the assembly has delivered its recommendations.

Each section is filled with concrete advice, from how to choose and define an issue, to setting the budget and timeline, and which people should be involved.

OECD's Good Practice Principles

The guide is prepared by the individuals who developed the OECD's toolbox for deliberative democracy and includes the OECD's good practice principles for running a high-quality assembly

​Resources for Deepening Understanding

Guiden innehåller en diger lista med resurser för de som vill fördjupa sig i ämnet.

Dessa resurser är tillgängliga i olika format, inklusive PDF, XLSX och DOCX, och täcker allt från budgetering och tidsplanering till sortering och utvärdering.

Anyone on the verge of organizing a citizens' assembly should definitely make use of this guide.

See more at:

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Micke Ströberg September 8, 2023
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