The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR) publishes a guide to participation

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR) as recently published a comprehensive guide titled "Delaktighetstrappan" (The Participation Ladder). The document presents several models to measure and understand participation in democratic processes.

SKR:s Participation Ladder is one of the models presented. It is easy to understand and use, making it an excellent tool for measuring the degree of participation in various processes.

Another model presented is Arnstein's Ladder of Participation. This model, created by Sherry Arnstein in 1969, has three overarching categories: Non-participation, Symbolic Participation, and Citizen Power. The model is used to analyze participation processes and their actual effects.

The Council of Europe's matrix for cooperation with civil society is another model presented in the document. This model has four steps ranging from low to high participation for civil society. The model reveals the influence that non-profit organizations can have in the political decision-making process in different contexts.
Hart's Ladder of Participation for Youth Influence is another model presented. This model is specifically aimed at understanding the level of children and young people's influence. The model has eight steps, with more power and influence the higher one goes.

Finally, the Democracy Cube, a model created by Archon Fung, is presented. This model is more complex than the others and provides a more complete and complex picture of a process. The model has three different axes that grade a process based on the influence participants have, who participates, and how communication takes place in the process.

SKR:s guide to participation is an important tool for anyone interested in understanding and improving participation in democratic processes. By using these models, we can create more inclusive and effective processes that give all citizens the opportunity to participate and influence..

o read more about these models and how they can be used, download SKR:s guide to participation here. Please note that the document is in Swedish.

in News
May 24, 2023
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